What code did you reset? Also, I need to start at the beginning. I hope you understand.
We need to determine if power is present at fuse J in the under-hood fuse box. In addition to checking the fuse, confirm there is power to and from it.
Here is a link you may find helpful:
If that is good, remove the starter relay. On the relay, there will be a number for each pin. They will be 85, 86 (for the primary side), and 87 and 30 (secondary side).
With the key off, check pins 30 and 87 for battery voltage. It should be present at all times on one of the two connector pins.
If that checks good, follow the same procedure for pins 30 and 87. This time, however, the key will need to be in the start position for power to be present, so you will need a helper. If power is present, check the other pin for continuity to ground.
I attached the wiring schematic below so that you have a reference.
Let me know what you find or if you have other questions.
Take care,
See pic below.
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Wednesday, May 10th, 2023 AT 9:25 PM