Monday, November 12th, 2007 AT 4:49 PM
2000 Nissan Sentra, Mileage:168,876 Engine Size:1.8L 4 Cylinder, Automatic Transmission. I had just changed my transmission fluid, filter, and gasket. I started to drive it and it was normal until I got to a stop light then the engine shut off so I restarted it and put it back into gear and it shut off again, so I did the same thing again but I didn't wait before I stepped on the gas and it worked until I got to another light then it stopped again and this time it would turn on but would turn off as soon as I changed gears. I was told that the transmission was burned out so I got a second opinion and was told that my car has no idle and that it could be caused by my IAC especially since I've had a problem with it for a few months. Can you tell me who's right or if they both are? Or anything else that can be wrong with it please?