I went through two clutch cables in 11 months. They both broke on the end that slips into the clutch pedal assembly. They said the pressure plate was too stiff. I recently noticed the clutch feel loose and I had to press all the way to the floor to get it to shift. Then something snapped, but I checked and the cable is fine. But the arm on the side of the transmission clutch housing (whatever you call it) is now loose and a little wobbly. Before it was impossible to move by hand. I was told that it would cost $700 minimum to repair which includes a new clutch kit.
I've driven it twice now without a clutch (not fun). If I'm not grinding gears doing this, is it okay short term for close distance driving? Once it's moving, I can shift with no real problems.
Is this an easy fix (like a small pin that broke, etc.) Or am I stuck with just paying $700 to get it fixed?
Sunday, February 25th, 2007 AT 9:56 PM