'97 Maxima stalling

I have a ’97 Maxima GLE (136k) that dies when shifting into reverse. If I give no throttle the car will creep backwards fine, but as soon as I step on the throttle it will rev to 1000 and then die.
I have access to a ’98 in which I can swap some parts temporarily. I have tried the MAF, throttle, IACV, EVAP purge volume control, absolute pressure sensor, timing is correct and the front and rear oxygen sensors test okay in diagnostic test. The throttle position sensor is adjusted by the.012” &.016” feelers. The car runs okay on the road, but starting at a light it hesitates. This happens either hot or cold.
I’m not a car buff and I can really use some help. Thanks hcbev
Friday, July 27th, 2007 AT 11:58 AM

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I have the exact same problems you describe with my ’97 Maxima GLE (80K). Also- NO error codes, ever! I have had the car to the Nissan Service folks who give me the “I can’t fix it without an error code”. I guess there are no real mechanics anymore. I have been living with this for about 4 years now, trying whatever I can. Like you, I have started swapping parts and have eliminated the MAF sensor and the MAF connector (hard wired that baby in for a bit).

Anyway- Did messing with the throttle position change the behavior at all? ... Or by chance have you fixed the problem? I love my car (except for it runs lousy) and really do not want to buy another one.
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Sunday, September 23rd, 2007 AT 10:30 AM

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