96 Maxima Electrical problem (fuse box?)

I have a 1996 Nissan Maxima GLE. I have been having an electrical problem with it for several months and a mechanic thinks it's the fuse box. I would like to try to get a second opinion before I spent a ton of money to get it fixed. At intermittant times, the guages (except fuel) quit working. Also sometimes the fan will quit as well as the power windows. I have on occaision noticed the turn signals, rear window defroster and A/C does not work. (All intermittantly) Usually, when I shut off the car and restart it, everything comes back on. I have also been able to push on one of the relay's and things would come back on. The original place I took it started out replacing the ignition switch and one of the relay's but that didn't seem to help. I took it to another shop and they think it's the fusebox. Is there any way to test to see if it is indeed the fusebox that's the problem?
Monday, October 8th, 2007 AT 2:46 PM

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92 MAX
  • 36 POSTS
Gidday Jeff

Your almost there!
I'd suspect the very relay you say you've pushed on and things have come right, A very common fault on alot of Nissans around this era and earlier, The relays are a very easily replaced item, I'd reccomend you replace with a genuine relay(probably around $20-30), usually all three relays are the same (blue 4 terminal) don't delay as this relay also controls the radiator cooling fan so if this fails in slow traffic you may overheat your engine ! Not a good look.

Good luck

New Zealand
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Thursday, November 1st, 2007 AT 3:30 AM

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