Trying to show my 16 year old how to work in his car. Its a 91 Buick Regal GS. The ac/heat barely blows out of the vents, but is coming out of all of them. This is not the dual temp type. The blower works great. The controls do no change the air flow. All vacuum actuators work fine. Disassebled the dash and watched each one cycle. However the electric blend door actuator was not working. Bought a new one and replaced it, but still not actuating. I did check the door with the actuator off, and it worked without a glitch. What powers the electric actuator? Are there any relays or fuses I may have missed? Is the electric actuator controlled at all by the vacuum manifold which powers the vacuum actuators? Studied the chiltons, and everything I could find in every buick forums, gm forums etc. I now know waaaay more than I ever wanted to about blend door actuators, etc. But still no answer. We live in Wasilla, Alaska and it is getting cold out. At this point I'm tempted to remove the actuator and wire the blend door open, (although I dislike this kind of fix) just so he doesn't freeze on the way to school and work. Any info or help would be appreciated. I feel like I'm letting him down not being able to figure this out. Plus his car is being parked in my garage because of no heat, and I want my spot back. :) Thank you very much.
Alan W. Stott
Saturday, November 8th, 2014 AT 12:38 PM