Okay, being the coupe it has a lot of circuits on fuse 9. It powers all of the injectors as well as most of the sensors as well. Attached is the wiring diagram, the highlighted wires are fed from fuse 9. As such any of them could be grounded and cause the problem. However, as you just replaced the fuel pump, I would look at the wiring harness to the EVAP vent solenoid that is on the tank. It's possible it got pinched and grounded by accident. That would cause it to blow. What you can do to find it is to take a 12-volt test light or even a headlight or similar and connect that in place of the fuse. Then go and move the harness and see if the light goes out. When the light is out the short is gone.
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Wednesday, January 8th, 2025 AT 10:41 AM