As far as the windows are concerned, power and ground are supplied by the body control module. There are two fuses, (19 and 20) in the under-hood fuse box that power the module.
I attached the wiring schematic below of the window circuit. First, confirm the two fuses are good. In addition to checking the fuses, confirm there is power to and from them.
Here is a link you may find helpful:
If they are good, I need you to locate the BCM. There are three brown wires that provide ground. I need you to confirm there is continuity to ground at those wires. Pics 3 and 4 will help locate the BCM. Pic 5 shows the fuse to check.
Let me know what you find.
Take care,
See pics below.
Images (Click to make bigger)
Saturday, September 9th, 2023 AT 9:30 PM