replaced ignition control module
replaced starter
flushed radiator and cleaned thermostat
bypassed cooling fan to turn on with ignition start
CAT is working
coils, spark plugs, fuel pump, alternator, and battery are all working
Ok here is the problem. The car turns on fine and runs perfect until it heats up to about 1/4 mark it then starts surging almost as if it is not getting any gas and the rpms jump from 1 to 3 while the check battery light starts flashing red. If I keep on the gas the car will pick up speed to about 40 mph before it completely sputters out and turns off. Once it turns off it will start fine but will only run for a few seconds and then sputters out and dies. Or if I put it in drive or reverse it dies right away. Once the car is cooled off it starts and runs fine again. Oh and I forgot the mention, whenever I start the car there is a strong smell of gas. I don't know if that is related to the problem. The check engine light is NOT on and we have not had any luck pulling and codes. The only indicator light that is on and stays on in the low coolant light which we were told was a faulty sensor. We have had the car to 4 different mechanics and they cannot seem to figure out the problem.
Friday, July 19th, 2013 AT 8:25 AM