I would like to know how to remove the lower control arm from the drivers side of a 98 Mercury Sable Wagon. This started out as a simple Ball joint replacement. After using a pickle fork on the ball joint, I managed to pull the ball from the socket, NOT GOOD. I have tried for days to remove the ball joint from the lower control arm without success. Pickle fork, sledge hammer and pitman arm puller did not work even with heat. SO, I figured I would remove the lower control arm and press out the remains of the ball joint. I removed the bolt holding the rear part of the control arm and was able to remove the nut from the front part of the control arm. Here's the trouble, the front bolt is removed from the top, the engine mount is in the way and does not clear the engine mount, I can't get the bolt out! I tried jacking up the engine but only got an additional inch of clearance, not enough to clear the bolt. I was thinking of cutting the bolt out.
1) Can I cut the bolt off, then place a new bolt in from the bottom instead of the top?
2) Any other suggestions on removing the ball joint from the lower control arm?
3) Is it time to get it towed to a mechanic?
Sunday, April 19th, 2009 AT 9:01 PM