Just got the timing belt done
water pump was good he said and just did spark plugs. Now when he starts it he hears a pop than it dont want to stay started?
Please help before this it was hot overheated a little and started smoking with thesmoke coming through vents like it may be the heater core because it also blew cold air for heat right after that. Hes changing as I type the thermastat. And radiator hose?
he said it through a code before for o2 sensor or somthing like that. Some other codes it had on before I earsed them was p171 and 1380 1381.
please help is it a head gasket?
how to riule that out?
he stared it made pop noise stays on but idles down then doesnt want to start back up.
Saturday, March 24th, 2007 AT 7:52 PM