1990 Mercedes Benz 190e no acceleration

  • 1990 MERCEDES BENZ 190E
  • 6 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 200,000 MILES
Hi. I have a problem with my acceleration in my car. It happens when I full stop and go back up to speed that sometimes it feels like it will stall on me, but if I feel it will stall on me and I release the gas pedal and press it again it accelerates fine. And some times when I come to stop it stalls on me. What are the possible problem.
my fuel filter is new, catalitic converter is new, my wiring, spark plugs and rotor rotor cap are new. Hope you can help me.
Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010 AT 9:59 PM

1 Reply

  • 75,992 POSTS
Lack of acceleration, chugging, hesitating, jerking, bogging, misfiring etc. Could be caused by one of the following below

Oxygen sensor.
Catalytic converter.
Fuel injectors dirty/sticking.
Mass airflow sensor/Airflow meter.
Throttle position sensor.
Crankshaft position sensor
Knock sensor
Manifold absolute pressure sensor.
EGR Valve
Fuel pressure regulator leaking or defective fuel pump.
False air leakage.
Fuel contamination.
Foul/defective spark plugs.
Open spark plug wires.
Ignition coil/Coil packs defective.
Incorrect ignition timing.
Cap and rotor.

Note:If it doesn't apply disregard it
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Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010 AT 10:31 PM

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