It currently has 140,000 miles.
I had the transmission fuild (not the transmission filter) in the transmission changed at 110,000. As it is 140,000 now I think that it is time for another service. Also the gear shifts a little hard than before but overall it works just fine.
The previous owner also informaed me that the transmission failed at 80,000 miles. I am not sure if it was either rebuilt or was replaced as brand new under warranty.
But I wanted to ask yo if it is wise to get a transmission service done to such a transmission or just to let it run like it is currently! I dont know if it will start slipping after the transmission service!
If you do recommend the transmission service then what kind of transmission service I should have done.
1) Drain and Fill fluid and change filter
or a
2) Tranmission Flush by the machine
I am not sure if the tranmission flush machine is reliable enough or will blow seals with pressure or cause other damage in the transmission.
Thankyou for taking time to answer my question!
Sunday, January 7th, 2007 AT 10:01 PM