Saturday, August 28th, 2021 AT 11:29 AM
Hello, I have the vehicle that I have been having some problems with that maybe you guys can help with. I have noticed that when I brake my idle seems to jump slightly up and down and I can feel it in the car and the brake pedal (goes normal soft then normal again and makes the car feel like it jerks). The idle rests relatively low (at the first line above the zero). The car itself drives fine and the only issues I have are when stopped and braking. There are no codes nor a check engine light. I have taken it to the shop to where they believed it was the throttle and had that cleaned as well as the fuel injectors with an idle relearn. It has idled the same after getting it done so no luck with that. Since it’s gotten cleaned though the idle will go down but try and jump back up and then slowly go down again. The lower the idle goes the more the car wants to vibrate. I turn on the A/C to help bring it up a little. I have also gotten new spark plugs and wires and a new battery. TIA