Dear all experience people,
I have 2003 Lincoln Town Car, it's been good with me since I had it brand new but last month the AC had problem and I already try the best to fix it but the compressor is still not engaging, if I connect directly pin 1 and pin 5 of the relay then the compressor was engaging and AC cold but I can't stop the compressor until turn off the engine. I did drove 2 hours in the weather 100F in California to get home. I parked and open the hood OMG the AC line was frozen and cover by the ice so I have took out the wire then the compressor stop working.
Here is all step I did try:
1. Replace 2 switch (low and high pressure)
2. Replace AC relay 204
3. Replace AC temperature sensor (at the firewall near by the last spark plug on bank 1)
4. Full re-charged Freon
5. Replace the climate control
6. Replacement the heater actuator blend door
7. Replacement the panel/defrost actuator blend door
Any body experience with that issue. Please, help me out. Thanks all
Wednesday, September 13th, 2017 AT 11:59 AM