First off this is one of the few vehicles I can get into without bending my neck -skidder accident, then motor vehicle accident -so call this a modified vehicle. Lol. The doctors say another hit might do me in.O:) So safety is important too.
So onward -drive into Ford and they says they have just the vehicle but it is as is and cheap -5000 canadian. They don't know everything that is wrong. But motor and trani are good. Tires are no good. They will not give warrantee.
Suspension issues. Stays in down position they say. Tried to start it today at the dealership and would not start. -23. So might be another issue.
Question is to diagnose the problems with this vehicle I have to have it inspected by the dealership. For $100.00.
I think they were just going to auction it off to a used car dealership.
So first things first -suspension issues -could you help me with best case scenario and worst concerning cost?
Second if this cost too much money what are the alternatives -changing it too permanent shock system? Don't know if possible.
The vehicle looks mint on the outside and inside.
So at $5,000 is it worth it to even consider the suspension?
If you are not able to give that sort of opinion just a ball park figure on repairs, the parts and time to fix would be appreciated.
To have a vehicle that I can get into and is safe is important. Just to visit kids and hospital visits.
Appreciate your help
PS first time to your site. Tomorrow I see the dealership. Saturday.
Friday, December 19th, 2008 AT 10:55 PM