Leaking Coolant

  • 2000 VOLVO S80
  • 190,000 MILES
My 2000 volvo S80 began leaking coolant about 2 days ago. The indicator gives a message that coolant is low. Today after putting coolant into the car when I pulled away I noticed it is more than just a leak since there was a puddle left where the car was parked. It had only been sitting less than 10 mins after the coolant was pt into the car. After driving it the temp indicator shot way up I pulled over as soon as I was able to and as I was doing so the temp gauge dropped all the way to the other side like when it is when it is started first thing in the morning. I assume this means the tempertature gauge or thermastat burnt out. Why is the coolant leaking? And what is the average cost for repair?
Tuesday, April 16th, 2013 AT 2:35 PM

1 Reply

  • 109,951 POSTS
The changes in temp could be the result of low coolant. First, you need to know where the leak is coming from. To do that, you need to pressurize the cooling system. There is a special pump you can rent or get at most parts stores. It attaches to the radiator where the cap is and you can then pressurize the system and look to locate where the leak is coming from.

Once you do that, let me know what you find.
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Tuesday, April 16th, 2013 AT 6:55 PM

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