Kia's have had a few issues with the air flow sensors (MAF) becoming contaminated and causing a sluggish symptom. An air flow sensor determines how much air is coming into the engine so your vehicle computer can adjust the amount of fuel accordingly for maximum performance and efficiency. This is different than the crank or cam sensor replaced by Firestone.
To clean the sensor spray a sensor safe cleaner across the MAF element located inside the air tube right after the air filter.
Some good news about Firestone, the company is committed to zero unsatisfied customers even if a particular location may not want to be. I can get the number to the regional representative for you to either get a refund or more likely take it to a location that can find the problem. There are more avenues to pursue within the company if that does not resolve your problem. (I'm a prior employee of 5 years, mechanic, service manager and store manager)
Good luck,
Thursday, November 19th, 2009 AT 10:25 AM