Sounds like the starter bendix is begining to drag, just wearing out. A shop can do a draw test on the starter and tell you if its going out on you. The only other thing that would make a dragging sound could be the flywheel starter ring teeth are showing wear but I would beet its the starter itself. The shaking you are feeling before revving is probably just a good tune up and have the injectors cleaned if its been awhile. The tranny, ending in 95 the yj's used a peugeot tranny 5 sp. If this is what you have then its the cluster gear starting to go ill bet. This is rarely a tranny that is worth rebuilding unless you never offroad. Sadly the last time I priced a cluster gear for a rebuild it was over 300$ and this was not all my tranny needed. I would suggest a swap out to a ax5 it came in the same years, its also a light duty tranny but was more durable than the peugeot in my opinion. Let me know what you finally do. Hope this helps you and thanks. Curt
Wednesday, April 8th, 2009 AT 11:18 PM