I have had my, 91 Jeep Cherokee ltd 4 wheel drive with 4.0 liter and 191,000 miles, for a little over a year now. A few months after I got it, it started to make a noise that sounded like it needed oil added. I kept checking the oil and the levels are always norm. After awhile the noise began to get louder and I noticed that the noise only happened when idling in or out of gear but would stop completely when I would rev it up in or out of gear. (The noise sounds as if it is coming from behind the engine)
It sometimes will stall out after it has warmed and you put it in gear or if I rev it up too quickly. Not sure if it is part of the same problem or two different problems.
These are the only problems that I have or had other than needing to recharge A/C, new brakes, and the usual service.
Sunday, July 29th, 2007 AT 5:37 PM