I replaced the left rear bearing and seal a few days ago.( The bearing was pressed on by a shop that does this kind of work). Right after I put it all together again, I drove the Jeep and, ugh, metal on metal. I found that I had about 1/4 inch of side play when I pulled on the wheel ( while I had it jacked up) and found where it was rubbing. 1) How do I check that the shop puts the seal /bearing and the retaining ring on in the right place. Yes I have to replace the rotor now due to the caliper bracket gouging the rotor.
2). No other damage noted. Anymore problems that I should be looking for? 3) What about heating up the retaining ring to make it stay in place, or tack welding (which is something I was told by an old guy, but I really can't see doing these).
PS. Do u guys take paypal?
Sunday, November 29th, 2009 AT 4:09 PM