1998 Jeep Cherokee shut off wait to start

  • 6 CYL
  • 4WD
  • 147,000 MILES
I Have replaced electric fan/thermostat/upper lower hoses/sensor at thermostat/cooling fan sensor/water pump/serpentine belt/ I have no oil leaks/i flushed out radiator all directions no blockage/flushed motor/ if the motor temperature goes to 210 and you shut off motor it will not start until it cools to 180 then cranks ok motor turns ok but will not start until it reaches below 210 good spark and fuel but does not crank until below 210 never had problem before owned sense 1998 only had 36000 mile when bought I need help. I said nothing about a clunk it turns over fine it does not crank until it cools below 210
Monday, April 26th, 2010 AT 8:18 PM

1 Reply

  • 34,072 POSTS
Hi rocket_61. Welcome to the forum. If I'm interpretting this correctly, the problem isn't with the engine running; it does not crank when the engine is above a certain temperature. If that's correct, and you hear one kind of loud clunk from the starter when the ignition switch is turned to "crank", suspect worn contacts in the starter solenoid. The problem is very common. It really isn't CAUSED by the increased temperature, but because the affected parts are made from copper, temperature changes can affect when the problem shows up.

If this is indeed the cause of the trouble, it will get worse as the contacts continue to wear away. This is most common on the little silver Nippendenso starters. The solenoid contacts can be replaced separately, but most people just replace the entire starter.

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Monday, April 26th, 2010 AT 8:48 PM

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