1994 Jeep Cherokee Reverse lights come on once in a while

Electrical problem
1994 Jeep Cherokee 6 cyl Four Wheel Drive Automatic

I have a 1994 Jeep Cherokee, When I put it in reverse, my back-up lights come on once in a while, (maybe once out of ten reverses) I need to get an inspection, and more than likely, when they put it in reverse, I’m sure the lights won’t come on. How can I fix this problem?
Sunday, December 21st, 2008 AT 8:19 PM

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3 speed or 4 speed transmission? The reason I'm asking is that the Back-up and Neutral start switches are combined into one assembly mounted on the side of the transmission. (4 speed will have 1, 2, 3 and Drive forward gears). The switch has a plug connector, crawl under and look at connector, look for loose connection, loose wires, etc. If you feel comfortable doing it, unplug connector, make sure it's clean inside (both halves). Plug back together and try reverse lights again. Will the jeep start in neutral? A yellow and black wire going TO the switch (besides the other wires) is from your fuse, the brown and white wire going FROM the switch go to your back up lights (single wire splits off into 2 wires, same color) routed SOMEWHERE -heh, heh- to your back up lights. Check back up light wires at lens area connection, look for breaks, trace back as far as you can.
IF pulling apart and reconnecting the plug doesn't work, and no broken wires, go to autoparts store, buy a HAYNES Jeep Cherokee 1984 thru 1999 Repair manual, will show you in much detail how to replace switch and/or do continuity checks if you want to do the work yourself. Hope this helps.
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Monday, December 22nd, 2008 AT 12:02 AM

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