However, the next day they call me and tell me that my engine computer needs to be reprogrammed and all the fuel inside needs to be drained. I thought about this and asked a few people online about their thoughts on the matter. Some people said I didn't need to have my engine computer reprogrammed.
The dealership added that it would cost $210 in labor fees (without any parts, just labor) to reprogram the engine computer and drain the fuel in the tank and pipes. I said, "Okay, but that's all, right?" He assured me it was.
Then, today, he calls me and says the engine computer is REALLY bad (he emphasized REALLY) and I need to buy a new computer engine. The dealership said a new engine computer will cost me $400.00, but they found one that's five years old and costs $120. I recorded all our conversations as evidence just in case anything went wrong.
I feel like I'm being had. They keep piling up the prices. They have already charged me $210 for the labor of reprogramming the engine computer and draining the fuel, now they want me to buy a whole new engine computer.
What should I do?
Friday, May 30th, 2008 AT 3:16 PM