Friday, September 12th, 2008 AT 5:51 AM
I am stationed over in italy with the military and my 1995 rodeo has been lagging lately, I took it in for a tune-up and the mechnic fixed everything he could find, he found a ignition coil bad but when we replaced that and he did the test it was showing that my 2 and 5 cylinders arent firing. He swtiched the coils and same thing always the the 2 and 5. Is it possible the module is bad or is it something even worse than that. All my wires, grounds, plugs, gaskets are good as well as all 3 coils, but for some reason 2 and 5 just wont work. The spark plugs are firing just very low. Because im in italy and its a 1995 he doesnt have the computer test equipment for it. He can only do 2000 and above. Any ideas or help would be great thanks.