Year: 1991
Model: Isuzu Rodeo
Engine: 3.1L V6
Transmission: Automatic 4X4
At first the transmission would not shift into reverse but the transmission is good and lights and gearselector is movible. All gears would work properly including winter mode an power mode just reverse didn't. Now I am not getting any gas into the injectors but fuel pump is working, it has a throttle body. I can poor gas into the carberator and it will run for a bit but quit. I thought maybe it just needed to get the gas up there, so I poured the gas in the carberator for a while but nothing. So I was wondering if these two problems were related in some way and how I could fix it or at least what the problem was. I am not too well with computers in vehicles.
Thank you for your time and hopefully you can help.
Wednesday, February 8th, 2006 AT 3:08 PM