2000 Isuzu Trooper Transmission leaks

  • 2000 ISUZU
75,000 miles V6 3.5L 4WD 2000 Trooper

On my Isuzu the transmission is a sealed unit. It has an overfill and drain plug. I have developed a leak and my transmission is slipping I reviewed an entry that this type of transmission does not require service. The manufacturers have used a type of transmission oil that does not break down and consequently does not require changing.
1) Does this mean I only need to fix the leak?
2) What type of ATF fluid/oil would be best to use for replacement of what has leaked out?
3) Can the ATF be flushed and filled?
4) What would the average cost be to fix a leaky transmission on my Trooper from a mechanic?
5) What is your opinion on over the counter products promising to fix transmission leaks?
6) Where do I check the level of ATF.

I know this was more than one question, but any help would be welcomed.
Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007 AT 8:41 PM

3 Replies

  • 5 POSTS
Dont use any over/counter stuff to plug leaks, it'll plug passages thru out trans.
To fill trans, first by a repair manual, also a bottle pump also called a transfer pump. You need to shimmy under vehicle (isuzu on level ground), remove a bolt/fill plug thats recessed in the tranny pan (look in the repair manual for it).
Put bottle pump in bottle of trans fluid, pump hose into fill plug/bolthole. Have someone (not under car) pump the bottle pump while your under car holding pump hose in plug hole.
When fluid runs down your arm, it's full enuf for a drive around block.
When done with the drive, start over! This time with engine running (not kidding). The tranny needs to be warm and circulating. Re-top the fluid level, til it runs down arm again! Put fill plug in
Sounds like fun HUH, thats whats got to be done tho.
Suppose you should spray tranny with brake cleaner at first fill (cleans everything nicely) to find your leak at second fill.
Have plenty of rags handy, maybe some of those dishwashing gloves, and eye protection.
Plan on getting dirty & greasy,
P.S. Dont spray that brake cleaner on a hot car(second refill), It'll resemble the hindenberg airship.
Suppose a person could get the leak fixed and tranny filled by a shop. That way you wont be doing that twice a week.
Price at a tranny shop, they'll try and do a rebuild well over a grand.
Find the leak, might just be a pan gasket.$10 and your time.
Pay special attention to a round plug halfway up passenger side of tranny. Thats whats leaking on mine((waiting for accumulator piston cover) to arrive for repair of leak( $5)
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Wednesday, July 11th, 2007 AT 9:43 AM
  • 36 POSTS
My son's 2000 Trooper 4WD has the same leaking problem. I just filled it as you described and it is running well for now until the fluid gets low again. I did look for the accumulator piston cover and it does appear to be leaking from there. My question is where do I buy the correct part for my son's Trooper?
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Wednesday, October 21st, 2015 AT 6:27 PM
  • 36 POSTS
I live in Houston, where can I buy an accumulator piston cover for my 2000 Isuzu Trooper? It is 4WD with the V6 and it is leaking. If I have to order it, where is a good place to order it from?
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Wednesday, October 21st, 2015 AT 7:38 PM

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