I have a 1999 Isuzu Amigo, 55000 miles, 3.2L V6 engine, automatic transmission. About a month ago my battery died, and needed replacing. I noticed a massive amount of corrosion on my battery terminal, so when I put the new battery in I cleaned it up and put a felt/gunk protector kit on my posts.
Ever since it's had an intermittant starting problem where all I hear is a single click and the car will not start - no cranking, nothing. I do this several more times and eventually it starts up like nothing was wrong, without sputtering or complaint.
I was driving it a lot last night, and at one point started it up after another fight, and found that it was changing gears hard. There would be a low clunk everytime I changed gears, both speeding up and slowing down. I shut off the car when I got to a safe place, let it sit, and when I got back in and restarted the car it was fine - hasn't done it again since.
The starting problem is getting worse though - it used to only happen first thing in the morning, and now it happens everytime you start the car after it's been off for more than an hour.
What do you think?
Friday, April 20th, 2007 AT 8:28 PM