Can you upload an image of what you are talking about?
Here are the instructions for the radiator removal and replacement:
1. Disconnect battery ground cable, then drain cooling system.
2. Remove throttle cable at fan shroud, then unsnap and remove overflow tank from shroud.
3. Remove two fan shroud retaining clips and move toward engine. Shroud does not have to be removed from vehicle.
4. Disconnect transmission cooler lines, then remove upper and lower radiator hose clamps and hoses.
5. Remove two upper radiator support bolts and lift the radiator out of the vehicle.
6. Reverse procedure to install. Insert two bottom alignment pins into holes in lower support.
Here is a generic guide to help you step by step with instructions:
Let us know what happens and please upload pictures or videos of the problem so we can see what's going on.
Tuesday, July 11th, 2023 AT 5:05 PM