First, I would be really upset with the dealer if first they told you it would work, and now they are telling you that it won't work. Here is what I suggest. Considering you have already replaced the t-stat, flushed the radiator, and repaired the fans, I would check the fans myself. Start the car and let it idle. Once the temp starts to raise above normal, the fan should kick on. If it doesn't, it's not working correctly. Next, when you replaced the engine, did you switch the sensors from the old engine to the new one? If so and there was a place for all of them, the computer should be reading the same information from the old ones. Finally, and you may not like this one, check the engine's compression. If you have a bad head gasket, it will cause the engine to overheat.
Let me know what you find.
Friday, August 21st, 2009 AT 11:37 PM