I was wondering if it's bad to turn the car off before putting it into park. It was still moving a little bit and when I turned it off, it felt like it hit the brakes, but I didn't. It wasn't bad. It just felt like the gas/electric shut off and so the car slowed down even more, like if I had had it in park. I think all it was was that I turned it off (like people do in neutral) only it was in drive and since I was still moving, the car tried to stop itself. I was going slow, under 10mph. I am just making sure because I am a little worried. I know people forget to put there cars into park all the time and turn it off and things are fine, but I just want to make sure because I had still been moving and I felt it feel like it hit the brakes a little.
Saturday, June 28th, 2008 AT 10:29 PM