Input and Output Speed Sensor?

In 6/08 I had the input/output speed sensor replaced in my 2001 Hyundai Accent. The symptom that I reported to the dealer was that the transmission felt like it was slipping. For a couple of months my check engine light has been going on/off followed with the issue of not feeling like my gears are switching when I accelerate. I took it to the mechanic, had the code read (P1529) which was a transmission control module. They looked online and saw that the common problem with this code and my car is the pulse generator, otherwise known as the input/output speed sensor. I gave permission for them to do the work, they got in and saw that my input/output speed sensor was very corroded and damaged.

Here is my question- how is this possible when I only had it changed 8 months ago? I live in an area where it is fairly cold in the winter time- could this have sped up the corrosion? Or is it possible that Hyundai didn't change that sensor but charged me for it anyway last year? I had other things done on that trip (transmission flush, belt changes) so at the time it was just another thing on the invoice and I didn't ask a lot of questions but now I am wondering.

Thank you for your advice!
Thursday, February 12th, 2009 AT 7:27 PM

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It's a bit hard that it was corroded after that much time, but I guess anything is possible. Do you know if the pulse generator (speed sensors) were corroded or was it the wiring/connector?

Here is what I suggest: Unplug the connectors, clean them with an electronics cleaner, then use dielectric grease in the connector to prevent corrosion. See if that takes care of the present issue.

If you look at the pic below, I highlighted the areas of concern. Inspect them and do what I suggested. Hopefully, this will eliminate the issues.

Take care and let me know if there are other questions.


See pic below.
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Tuesday, September 21st, 2021 AT 5:28 PM

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