Racking pinion noise? What is it? How to fix?

  • 2003 HONDA CIVIC
I have a honda civic si 2003 with around 35000 miles. Just recentl :lol: y it has been making a weird noise when I move the steering wheel. Its almost like a squeaking noise whenever I move it. I took it to a mechanic and he said it was a problem with racking and pinions. I wanted to take it to the dealership cause I have a month or so of warantee left but my car is lowered and it somehow voids it. Does anyone know how to fix this problem or atleast help me identify it? Thanks appreciate any help.
Friday, September 1st, 2006 AT 7:27 AM

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  • 235 POSTS
First thing to do is to top off p/s fluid and with the top off and car running turn the wheel all the way to the right slowly then far to the left a few times and see if that helps any if it does you might want to get the p/s lines checked. If not come back good luck :)
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Friday, September 1st, 2006 AT 7:32 AM

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