Do you hapen to know the part number of the module or how to disasamble it. I have replaced the grey relay-RC5102 and check the fuses under the stering wheel(number 3 and 12) for DRL but I still have the noise in the grey relay.
Please see the link to the right "Honda Accord DRL Relay Repair HOWTO" for a great demo on how to remove and resolder the connections. Even though it's for an Accord it applies exactly the same way to a Civic.
There is a DRL relay gray in color, behind the glooves compartment. Open the glooves compartment all the way down after removing two latches on both side. The black and gray relays are on your left side. The gray relay is a 5 pins relay, it cost about $26 from honda dealer. I have part # if you want. Is the relay is making noise and DRL light comes on dash. Let me know if that relay fixes your problem.
There may be different problem other than the relay. It may be the MODULE.-actually the solder connections on the module. in this case you need to either replace it (about 150 $ Honda) or.............. under the steering wheel near the pedals.... remove the cover.........and look for a grey box with connector coming out from the bottom............Remove connector........use small slotted screw driver and pull out the module from its box..........you should be able to see the bad connections around the big sloder joints (of the relays).........Re-sloder, re-assemble and enjoy driving..........GOOD LUCK"

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007 AT 10:26 PM