Exaust leaks rarely turn on ck. Engine light & certainly will not turn it out. If leak in frt. Of o2 Sensor, sensor may collect & tell computer there is a prolbem & turn it on. You need to plug into autoscanner, get code, get Diognostic Chart & begin diognosis. EXAMPLE : If Scanner sez - Code Number, then displays component thats not working, say O2 Sensor, this is only the beging of diognosis. It does not yet mean o2 sensor bad. It could be different component in system thats on same circuit, it could be wiring to o2 sensor. So if you have a Tech. Do'n work for you & he plugs car to scanner, gets code & completes diognosis from 1st thing he gets on scanner, he does not have proper experience to diognose ck. Engine light problems. Like I said, that is only the begining. It can take 1/2 to 2 hours to diognose ck. Engine light problems.
One thing I would like you to do is this, turn you key to "On" posistion with engine "Off". Now examine dash lights. All dash lights come on for a "Self Check" to ensure those lights are working. Some of them go out after 2 secounds, so if needed, turn key off & back on untill you have figured out lights. I would like you to make sure there is not a "Vehicle Maintenence" light that may be mistaken for ck. Engine light. CK. ENGINE LIGHT : Will be displayed as - "Ck. Engine" light. The other one used is - "Service Engine Soon".
PLEASE TAKE NOTE HERE. There is a "Service Required" or "Service Needed" light on some vehicles that comes on for Oil Change & Minor Service interval. It is often mistaken for ck. Engine light. If you have you owners manual, it's in Maintenence Section. I believe it comes on every 7500 miles, preset at Factory. Unfortuneatly, there are several dishonest repair shops that will not tell you this because this is an oppertunity to take advantage & make dishonest profit. Owners Manual has instruuctions to turn off Maintenence light if that the case. Good Luck. Hope I have been helpfull. Let us know if you need more help.
Thursday, July 2nd, 2009 AT 11:08 PM