The turn sigianl quit working on my wife's 1991 Honda civic. I found the flasher on the fuse panel under the dash. I replaced the flasher with a Standard parts flasher #EFL8. I had some trouble getting the old flasher out. It was like it was stuck in the holder. It did finally come out. When I out the new flasher in it worked, however when the flasher is in the ogg position there is a buzzing sound coming from it. When you turn on the left or right turn siginal or put on the four ways it quits buzing. Onve the turn siginal clicks of it starts buzzing again. I figured I had a defective part and returned it for a new one. However the new still does the same thing. What have I done wrong and how can I repair it. The buzzing realy drives my wife crazy, and when mommy ain't happy ain't nobody happy. Thanks for any help you can give me.
Ron Painter
Thursday, September 10th, 2009 AT 7:24 PM
1 Reply
41,814 POSTS
Hi Ron Painter,
Thank you for the donation.
I believe the replacement relay is of the wrong type. The correct relay must be used, some generics do not work with Honda.