1991 Honda Civic 4 cyl Front Wheel Drive Manual
I'm a first time user of ur site so I hope that ur reliable for the info I want.I have a 91 honda civic dx 4 dr sedan. It needs a new engine and I have access to a 89 honda accord. My question is will the engines swap out and if so what am I going to need to change out as well as. I mean will the tranny from my civic fit the accord engine as well will my drive shaft fit. Or should I just redo the whole undercarage of my civic with the accords? Please help I could really use some answers. Ive talked to 3 or four mechanics and they say that the motor should fit but cant tell me diddly about the tranny.
Thanks a ton for your time.
Friday, May 15th, 2009 AT 12:43 AM