2001 Honda Accord Shifting Gears

  • 4 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 151,000 MILES
I have a 2001 Honda Accord EX, with a manual transmission, but it is very hard for me to switch gears. I can't even get into first gear, so I have been starting from second gear to move the car. After I have been driving for about 15-20 minutes or so, I have no problems whatsoever with switching any of the gears in my car. I did look at my transmission fluid yesterday and it is black. Could that be the problem of my car as to why I am having difficulting switching gears or could it be something else (ie, clutch or transmission)? If it is the clutch, how much would it cost to get it fixed/replaced?
Wednesday, August 25th, 2010 AT 12:42 PM

1 Reply

  • 41,814 POSTS
Hi jpreston11,

Thank you for the donation.

The black transmission gear oil indicates it is past due for replacement. Get it replaced with the specified type and retest.

Incorrect gear oil spec can cause stiffer shifting.

To test if it is a fault with the clutch, depress clutch pedal, engage 2nd speed, shift to neutral keeping clutch pedal depressed. Shift to 1st, if shifting is possible, that would indicate the clutch disc is taking time to stop after the pedal is depressed.

Repeat test by depressing the clutch pedal, wait 3 seconds and before shifting to 1st. If you are able to shift, it means the clutch shaft splines where the cutch disc is seated has lost its lubricity and delaying the disc from moving away to allow the clutch shaft to stop spinning immediately.

Parts cost is about $300 with book time of 6 hours.
Was this
Thursday, August 26th, 2010 AT 9:16 AM

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