A little while ago now when I first purchased my car I had lent it to a friend for a day. My friend ended up crashing my car into a gutter quite severely causing a lot of damage. The story I was told was that he was trying to drift (front wheel drive. Lol) and lost control and hit a gutter.
From what I can see the front right side wheel has been pushed back into the mud flaps bending the whole front panel on that side. The break line has split and the CV Joints are damaged. The Sway bar that connects to the chassis is snapped. The whole wheel basically is tilted on an angle and has been pushed inwards (suspected may have been pushed into the transmission.)
Can you please suggest a price of parts or the cost of a full repair job so the car is in full working order again =)
Friday, December 28th, 2007 AT 4:48 AM