1991 Honda Accord Timing issue

  • 4 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 166,500 MILES
Hey guys, I am beyond frustrated with this car.
I have done the timing belt, water pump etc.
Also put in a new distributor, plugs, wires the hole 9 yards. I was having a vibration issue for a fhile and so re-looked at the belts etc. Making sure all factory marks were lind up this time as the bottom was out so I turned it clock wise I think 2 notches- vibration seems to be gone but now I have an issue with the timing. I put the light on it and the mark is so far out you cannot see it unless you am the light up into the opening and no matter how much I turn the distributor it will not come into sight. Befor I fixed the vibration the timing was good but there was the vibration and fuel econoy was really bad only 280-300 tops to a tank. My last hond 92 would get well over 400km per tank.

I am now running out of time an as it is winter not the grates time to spend in the garage. Please help
Wednesday, February 4th, 2009 AT 10:15 PM

3 Replies

  • 18 POSTS
Sounds like your timing is off somewhere. I will just list a few things to maybe jar your memory about what you did. The crankshaft pully has a small dot on the face that needs to line up with the arow on the block. When the white "T" mark on the flywheel is lined up with the pointer between the engine and transmission the mark on the crank pully I just described should be in the right place. Now, the camshaft pully needs to be set at cyl.#1 top dead center. The "arrow" on the cam pully needs to point straight up and the small lines in the edges of the pully need to line up horizontally with the top of the cylinder head. You loosen the timing belt adjuster bolt one turn from tight and install the timing belt. Belt should be installed on bottom pully first of coarse, then on front side of cam pully and pulled up to get rest of belt to go on remainder of pully towards the rear of car. Now remove the spark plugs and rotate the engine counterclockwise 4 or 5 revolutions to "set" the belt. Then stop at #1 TDC. Now continue rotating crankshaft a distance of "3" teeth on the camshaft pully and stop. Tighten the timing belt adjuster bolt now. Rotate engine around again to TDC to make sure the marks on the cam pully and flywheel pointer are lined up. You just set your timing properly. The installation of the balancer belt is critical to the smooth operation of the engine. The front and rear balance shafts must be set correctly with the marks on the pully's lined up with the marks on the block. If you rotated the rear balancer shaft when the balancer belt was off, the shaft is likely out of sync and needs to be reset correctly. Let me know if you think that is the case. The balancer belt large center pully only goes on one way as it is keyed. I put the cart before the horse when we set up the timing belt. You need to install the TB and the balancer belt, and lower cover BEFORE you adjust and tighten the timing belt. The balancer belt will be tensioned correctly when you tension the TB correctly. Good luck.
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Thursday, February 5th, 2009 AT 9:43 PM
  • 1 POST
Thanks for the help. Took me a while but I did not think about rotating the engine after putting the belts on. Worked like a charm. I am still a little out but now the other way. At least now its just off, I will try and get some time to tinker with it again and get it perfect but for now I can live with it.

I doi have a nother question though, ON my standard honda 92 accord this time. At 110km hour I would be at about 2500rmp now with thie 91 auto I am at almost 3000. Is this normal as I feel its a little high.

Thanks again
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Saturday, February 7th, 2009 AT 6:24 PM
  • 18 POSTS
I really don't know the answer to that. Best way would be drive another car just like yours and compare. Or maybe if you post the question someone with the same car would drive theirs and let you know what it reads.
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Saturday, February 7th, 2009 AT 10:22 PM

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