An old co-worker of mine, a solid mechanical engineer, want to sell his wife's car --- a 1988 Honda Accord with 125k miles. The car is solid and clean --- inside and under the hood. He replaced the timing belt, the cables, the pump, the battery, the coolant water tank (you know the flat water tank in front of the car behind the fan with the metal twist cap on top) even the AC works ok.
I took it to my friend who owns an auto repair shop and he said that the car runs fine and ok for a 20 yr old but if anything breaks down that needs a major repair, then junk it.
Reason why I want to buy this car -- to save gas. This car probably can run 25-30 mile a gallon vs my pathfinder which is like 12 mile a gallon.
I drive average 40-50 mile every work day. I do not need a fancy car.
Would you recommend me to buy this old 20 year old 1988 japanese engineering wonder? He wants $600 for it. The Kelly blue book value for a "fair" condition 1988 honda accord is $1100
Please help! Thanks!
(Do you think I can get a few years out of this in NYC driving?)
Wednesday, July 9th, 2008 AT 8:20 AM