Saturday, November 16th, 2013 AT 8:08 AM
I am a recently unemployed single mom. I am so mad I went hiking one day and came back to my car and smelled gas, while I was hiking I saw some dirt bikes and dune buggies by my car but didn't think anything of it. Well I got in the car and from my full tank I had absolutely no gas and went to the nearest gas station started filling my tank when I saw gas spewing out from the bottom of my car so I looked under my car and saw a drill hole in the middle towards the top of my tank. All they had to do was open my door pop the latch and I would of been way happier than the problems they have caused me. So some guy calls the fire department and they seal off the gas station and put a patch that lasted less than a block from where I live. The fireman says you know this is only temp. It wont last more than a week. It didn't last 3 minutes. I am a caregiver not a mechanic and I already go to the food bank I have 93 cents in my checking account and thought I had taken care of the problem I went and looked and found the jb weld well I got the water proof one and the fiberglass patch with the epoxy hardner for the outside it lasted almost a month.(Firefighter stuff sucked) So then I find out there is jb weld epoxy with hardner got a screw with a tight fit and lubed the screw with the epoxy and hardner and screwed that in. I want to do the outside of the screw the problem is after I did the jbweld the first time I noticed above the drill hole there was another looked like an indention like someone started to drill there but decided to go a little lower so I covered that hole too. Well my check engine light came on for one I am thinking since I can hardly put gas in it with what I had it covered with is sucking up with my gas since I am only putting 5 dollars at a time in it and I scrubbed the outside of the tank and the water jb weld had fried to outside of my tank around the hole my question is should I cover that indention that looks like it was going to be another hole or is there a ventalation breather hole that is suppose to back there? Or should I just cover every hole I find? I am broke and neeed desperately my car so I can get back to work. Please I cannot afford even the thought of a new gas tank and actually the screw with jb epoxy and hardner took well it will have to do till I can get another tank. Please help Thanks and God Bless Julie