The ignition light flashes fast and will not turn over engine after key broke

  • 2008 FORD ESCAPE
  • 2WD
  • 145,954 MILES
The immobilizer transponder ignition coil (Halo) that reads the key broke when taking the key out one day (somehow lanyard got caught on it and when I pulled it broke plastic circle around ignition cylinder) now my SUV won't start with key. The ignition light flashes fast and won't turn over engine. So I need to know what I can buy or how I can easily bypass or bridge to where I can start the suv and drive it? I need to be able to work for my family. I have little vehicle knowledge besides basic stuff. Just need information on what bypass product to buy or way to get the car to turn over so I can drive (I have the original smart key but no spare right now I can send pictures or video if help). I've tried almost everything I can Google and no luck. I have low funds as we just had a baby. So someone please help.
Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021 AT 11:55 AM

3 Replies

  • 18,907 POSTS
Unfortunately it may be cheaper to fix the transceiver then try and bypass it. I attached the info below on how this works. There is no way to bypass it other then to get a PCM that has this system deleted. The reason is, the way it works is the transceiver picks up the key code and then sends it to the cluster and then the cluster sends a signal to the PCM if the code is correct. Then the PCM gets the correct signal and it starts the vehicle.

So if you get a PCM that has this system deleted then it doesn't matter what signal the cluster sends as long as it gets the proper ignition signal.

However, if it were me, I would just repair the transceiver if this is all that is wrong. I attached the process below for your review.

Also, we should check for codes just to be sure this is the issue. Clearly it is probably the issue but it doesn't hurt to make sure.

Let me know what questions you have. Thanks
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Thursday, March 4th, 2021 AT 4:06 PM
  • 2 POSTS
Thank you for the response that really helped a lot. I tried to rebuild the coil for it like I saw in a video but it never kicked over. I also looked into maybe pulling a fuse lol and didn't work. So I just need to find the exact part for it works right away but before the ring coil broke before starting it. Is have to like jiggle or shake the components being the left side of steering wheel below the light lever to start it. I believe it's the starter but I could be wrong but together I have about $75.00 I can spend on fixing it so if anyone can point me in the right direction to being able to fixs it with the right parts I'd greatly appreciative. It I'll post some pics of what I'm working with thanks in advance.
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Friday, March 5th, 2021 AT 8:43 AM
  • 18,907 POSTS
Sorry. Just not sure I understand what the issue is now. Are you saying that the ring around the ignition broke and it is not starting? But before that the starter was just clicking?

If so the starter clicking is most likely a starter assuming the battery is properly charged.

However, if you can clarify what the current issue is, we will have a better idea as to what to do. The only other issue is, I am not sure $75.00 will get this fixed if the ring needs to be replaced and/or the starter as well.

Maybe I am just not understanding so let me know. Thanks
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Friday, March 5th, 2021 AT 6:55 PM

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