Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021 AT 11:55 AM
The immobilizer transponder ignition coil (Halo) that reads the key broke when taking the key out one day (somehow lanyard got caught on it and when I pulled it broke plastic circle around ignition cylinder) now my SUV won't start with key. The ignition light flashes fast and won't turn over engine. So I need to know what I can buy or how I can easily bypass or bridge to where I can start the suv and drive it? I need to be able to work for my family. I have little vehicle knowledge besides basic stuff. Just need information on what bypass product to buy or way to get the car to turn over so I can drive (I have the original smart key but no spare right now I can send pictures or video if help). I've tried almost everything I can Google and no luck. I have low funds as we just had a baby. So someone please help.