1996 GMC Truck V8 Four Wheel Drive Automatic
This morning I took the truck and ran some errands. After being out and about for a couple of hours, I made a stop at the store, and when I got back in and tried to start it, nothing happened except for clicking. A few weeks ago, I noticed some drag when trying to start it, so I put water in the battery and cleaned the corrosion. There have been no other issues till now. I followed the clicking to what looked like a relay. So when I replaced it and the truck still did not start, I was surprised. I then checked the starter and the solenoid, which is located on the starter. The starter tested bad. So it was replaced. Can you help me as to what else could cause this? The engine will not turn at all and everything has ample power. The starter only had two wires coming out of it, but it looks like there is a third connection for another wire. Hmmmm.I am truly baffled.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Thursday, March 11th, 2010 AT 11:07 PM