I am stationed in the Azores, and I noticed that driving around here that when I turn, I hear/feel some popping in the front end. I have a sneaking suspicion that the CV joints are bad. It does the same thing whether I turn left or right at just about any speed. It figures that I start having problems when I'm overseas. Does this sound like a CV joint issue, or possibly something else? If so, are they easy to fix? I have access to a self-help auto shop bay here.
Also, my "Service 4WD" light keeps popping on and off. I heard that it's an electrical problem, and that it's possibly a grounding issue. Is this a common problem? I've paid to have it looked at (twice), and nobody could figure it out. Any advice? I'd really appreciate it!
Sunday, May 11th, 2008 AT 6:08 AM