Freeze frame Data

  • 2011 FORD F-150
  • 5.0L
  • V8
  • 4WD
  • 3,120,000 MILES
Fuel system C.L
Calc Load(%) 37.6
ECT('F) 127.4
STFT B1(%) 0.0
LTFT B1(%) 0.0
STFT B2(%) 9.4
LTFT B2(%) 0.0
Eng RPM 698
Veh Speed 0
Spark Adv(*) 13.0
IAT(*F) -0.4
MaF(ib/min) 0.9
TPS(%) 13.7
02S B1 S2(V) 0.775
STFT B1 S2(%) 99.2
02S B2 S2(V) 0.655
STFT B2 S2(%) 99.2
Run Times (sec) 85
Command Evap(%) 0.0
Fuel level(%) 57.6
Warm up Dtc Clr 0
Cir Dist(miles) 0
Evap Vp(InH20) 0.172
Baro (InHg) 27.5
LamBda B1 S1 1.006
02S B1 S1(ma 0.00
LamBda B2 S1 0.988
02S B2 S1 -0.06
Cat Te 11(*F) 610.7
Cat Te 21(*F) 610.7
ECU Volts(V) 14.349
Load Value(%) 18.4
EQ Ratio 1.014
Rel TPS(%) 2.0
Ambient (*F) -2.2
TPS B(%) 15.7
ACC Pedal D(%) 14.9
ACC Pedal E(%) 7.5
Command Tac(%) 2.7

Codes that I have are: p0300, P0302, P0304 And P2270. So far replaced 02 sensors on Bank 1, I also switched coils, plugs and injectors to bank 2, checked power to coils and injectors and all work okay. Thanks for all your help in advance.
Saturday, January 11th, 2020 AT 4:18 PM

1 Reply

  • 18,907 POSTS
At this point you need to chase the P2270. I have seen this code a few times over the years and it is one of two things. First is a faulty o2 sensor but if you changed that then the other common cause is an exhaust leak. With the temp being as cold as it is on this data, I suspect you have a cracked manifold.

I attached the test for this code. If you run though it, it has you looking for exhaust leaks first. If this proves out then you have a wiring issue or PCM issues based on what you have replaced so far. However, I highly suspect an exhaust leak which is why you have a lean exhaust and code showing the o2 is "stuck." Basically the PCM is adding and removing fuel just to test the operation. If it doesn't respond as expected it sets the corresponding code.

Let me know what you find. Thanks
Was this
Saturday, January 11th, 2020 AT 6:30 PM

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