2002 Ford Taurus 4 cyl Wheel Drive Type unknown Automatic 60000 miles
2002 Ford Taurus SE, has about 60,000 miles, it stalls when heater or a/c is on. The stalling happens more frequently in the winter and less frequently during the summer months. I rarely use the A/C during the summer because of the stalling issues. The stalling is beginning to scare me because it is happening more frequently and while I am on the highway driving at or around 70 - 75 mph. The car stops and goes, like I am braking and gasing, breaking and gasing. The car is used, it had about 29,000 miles on it, when I bought it. I have only had the car for a little over a year (I drive back and forth from Cinti, OH, Chgo , IL to Indy, IN twice a month). When I first drove the car home from the dealership, I had to call the dealership to get a jump because the car would not start. I had bad feeling then. I am ready to trade it in for a brand new car. What's wrong with my car? Thank you.
Wednesday, January 23rd, 2008 AT 8:28 PM