I have a 1997 ford taurus with the 24v engine and 117K miles on it. My wife got this from somebody she works with, (without talking to me first). I had it towed to the house and the tow truck driver told me the wheels were locked up at first but once he broke it it rolled ok. Got it home and the battery was bad. Bought a new battery and now it starts to turn over and stops. I mean for a second it cheerks and stops. I tried to bumb it over but then it started smoking near the starter. Tapped on the starter and couldn't get it to turn over.
The car has been sitting for about a year. Should I start with a new starter first? The previous owner said it was the alternador and there is a new one in the back seat, but the alternator wouldn't stop it from turning over would it?
Monday, November 5th, 2007 AT 11:14 AM