Wednesday, March 18th, 2009 AT 12:34 AM
I am working on a 1998 Ford Ranger XLT it has a 4.0L V 6 with 135,590 miles on it. It is a Five speed Manual transmission. I recently replaced the fuel synchronize shaft and the cam shaft sensor. When I removed the old sensor it was completely destroyed in pieces. I also removed the shaft to visually inspect it. It was damaged as well. I went to a junk yard and got a shaft from a 98 ford ranger 4.0 L. I put it in and it ran great. By the way I also replaced the plugs and wires and the EGR DPFE sensor. I noticed that the plugs on the 4, 5, 6 and six were in bad shape the center electrode was almost gone as if the engine had ran real lean on that side. The other side 1, 2, 3 were the opposite they were black and appeared as though it had run rich on that side. I changed the air filter the oil and Oil filter. I cleared the codes and test drove the vehicle it ran fine. No light nothing at all. Customer arrives picks up the truck and is gone maybe 5 min. Comes in and says the Check Engine light is on. I check it and get the P1309 Misfire Monitor Disabled. Cleared the code drove it for about 30 mins. NO Light. I kill the ignition start it back up drive it down the road about a mile and here comes the light. I have noticed that right after I clear the code it doesn't set on the 1st start but it will on the 2nd. Confused! Any help would be greatly appreciated.