What they're talking about is your throttle body; when you open the hood, look for a big black hard plastic hose that goes from where your air filter box is (on the right hand side, above the battery) to 'somewhere' on your engine. That 'somewhere' is your throttle body. If you remove this hose and look inside the throttle body, you'll see a plate. This plate opens and closes when you push and release the gas pedal. Well after a while, some residue start accumulating around that plate which make your gas pedal feel 'sticky'. What you have to do is clean the plate as well as the throttle body bore with some throttle body cleaner (cost $2). This is what that person did for you last year, and probably what you need to do this year as well.
Hope this help.
Tuesday, November 11th, 2008 AT 10:31 AM